domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Supersize Me analize

1) Spurlock´s message about fast food is that, it can damage varius parts of your organism in a short term experience, in his case, 30 days.

2) He eats only food from Mcdonald´s for 30 days, and then showing evidence of the damages it causes to your body

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Dig Deeper

activity 3

1. The strings and frets on my guitar shine as light in a darkened room.

2. The cat on my window has a penetrating view as Xrays.

3. My grades are terrible like being let down by a friend.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


Hip-hop culture is recognized by some of its main elements that are: breackdancing, beatbox, graffiti, etc. This are elements that the urban youth use to express things such as joy, sorrow.  Hip-hop culture is often reltated with rapping. Because rapping is a way of expressing feelings, emotions, but also to show or tell what you don't like, maybe domestical abuse to women, abortion, etc. Expressing feelings is important to the Hip-hop culture, so there is the main relation.

In the 1960, the term "rap" was the slang way of saying things related to spechees. The word rap etymologically means "fast read" or "spoken fast". As I already mentioned, its main themes are based on what people think, that is why it is so popular.

I do not listen nor like rap music. I preffer listening to more agressive styles, for example: Metalcore, Screamo, and also because the style of the guitar and the sound is amazing, guitar is the instrument I play, and i like to perform covers of that style. I don't like rap because sometimes it is to repetitive on the themes, always drugs, always abuse. And basically I do not like how it sounds.

As an influential artist I choose Memphis Jug Band, which was an early blues group that firstly started to integrate fast spoken lyrics to it songs. Problaby no ine has hear of them, but their way of rapping is what developes into today's rap.



Hip-hop culture is recognized by se of its main elements that are: breackdancing, beatbox, graffiti, etc. This are elements that the urban youth use to express things such as joy, sorrow.  Hip-hop culture is often reltated with rapping. Because rapping is a way of expressing feelings, emotions, but also to show or tell what you don't like, maybe domestical abuse to women, abortion, etc. Expressing feelings is important to the Hip-hop culture, so there is the main relation.

In the 1960, the term "rap" was the slang way of saying things related to spechees. The word rap etymologically means "fast read" or "spoken fast". As I already mentioned, its main themes are based on what people think, that is why it is so popular. is commonly associated with rap and Hip-hop.

I do not listen nor like rap music. I preffer listening to more agressive styles, for example: Metalcore, Screamo, and also because the style of the guitar and the sound is amazing, guitar is the instrument I play, and i like to perform covers of that style. I don't like rap because sometimes it is to repetitive on the themes, always drugs, always abuse. And basically I do not like how it sounds.

As an influential artist I choose Memphis Jug Band, which was an early blues group that firstly started to integrate fast spoken lyrics to it songs. Problaby no ine has hear of them, but their way of rapping is what developes into today's rap.


domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

"Half-Caste" Mini-Essay

The poem is called "Half-Caste" and it was written by John Agard. This poem makes us think about if we are using the term "half-caste" in a propper way. John Agard wrote this poem with that purpose because when he moved into England, he fell discriminated when people called him that way. The tone he uses to read his poem out loud is in a way really intimidating but it also makes you think what you really mean when you say "half-caste"

The way in which Agard uses language in a very particular way. In his poem there are some literary techniques such as imagery, similie and metaphores. He uses a lot of rethorical questiones for example: "". This rethorical questions really make you think about the meaning of "half-caste" and if you are really using it in the right way. He means that why are you using the term just with people but not with paintings, symphonies, etc.  The poem is also written with a mixture of different english dialects.

He uses rythm and rhyme to create a threatening and intimidating tone that makes you feel inferior as he felt when people used the term "half-caste" with him. The rythm also is in a way, constant. This creates for me, a feeling of sofocation, because he says lots of things in a small amount of time and this as I said makes you feel like being oppressed.

In conclusion, this poem makes me feel a little guilty about the use of the term and makes me think about the stupidity of it. I think it is stupid because it is almost impossible to be completely from one unique race. It may also be ironic to use the term for someone like me, for example. This poem made me think a lot and I will do anything possible to avoid using racist words of fraces.